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So who are you voting for?


The Villager ticket has been redesigned for the public to attend the event free of charge. There will be no story for the villagers, however they will be able to take part in the story by acting as characters for the event

There are no points to collect and levels to upgrade, simply you and creating your story. Your choices and interactions with the other participants can shape what happens in this village. Your experience will be almost purely narrative in nature where you will need to bargain, persuade or talk your way in and out of the sensitive story you are in. There will be quests for you to do and even some that take you out into the wasteland if you so wish. You are also welcome to simply join and not take part in the quests at all and simply enjoy the vibe of the event.

Villager: About


The small town of Gallows is located as far east as you can get before reaching a vast desert in the wasteland. Ironically the terrain has a lush forest and enough water for animals, some small raiding factions and a whole town to survive. The town is named in relation to the old morgue that the town is built around where the old buildings have been repaired and the rest of the town just sprung up in between. The village may seem peaceful and beautiful in its own way, but the mood in the town is one of uncertainty and nervousness.

There have been reports of an evil destroying towns out west and experimenting on folk that used to live there. Recently more and more displaced villagers have entered the town of Gallows seeking refuge and talking about the terrible events that they have witnessed or heard of in their old towns. “Slaughtering our people were not enough for them” one villager testified when he arrived at Gallows. “They would take our already sick and dying friends and torture them in the old substations. We would only see them enter, but never leave. You could smell burning skin and hair when the wind carried the smoke from the building into town”.

John, the head of the town, was getting under more and more pressure by the town’s folk to find a solution to the looming threat. The next town was more than 18 days of travel away over the desert with no known water on the way. The route is also very dangerous with the small raiding factions in the area hijacking and killing any travelers or scouts that head out to look for a way to the next town out East. An old man now, John no longer has the energy to look after the town as he once used to. He has decided to host an election where the villagers can choose their next leader. However, the election will not run as smoothly as he thinks it will.

The area around Gallows has been plagued by restless factions trying to take control of valuable and absolutely needed resources. The town is suffering from this violent behavior and is running low on food and water. The factions each have their own crazy idea of how the area should be run, and of course each faction feels they should be in control. Villagers are now even thinking that the factions are playing a part in the politics of the village with the upcoming election.

With the raiding groups causing chaos in the area and the stories of death on the horizon, the town of Gallows has been thrown into panic when a presumed tortured and dead victim of the great evil showed up in the town seeking shelter. Normally new arrivals are not strange, but rather common in Gallows, but what was strange was that she was in perfect health. Not just healthy by wasteland standards, but so incredibly healthy that her skin looked perfect, her hair was cared for and there were no signs of her previous injuries as remembered by one of her townsfolk. The only problem with her was that she could not remember anything further than 2 days ago, where she woke up running as fast as her legs could carry her and for fearing something so dreadful she could never look behind her.

The villagers did not take well to this survivor’s story and has pushed her out of the village. While the world may be crazy after the apocalypse, the villagers could not accept the dead coming back to life. Other survivors showed up in town over the past few weeks and were immediately shunned by the community. The regularity of these “survivors” showing up are increasing and the election has been moved closer so the new leader can plan for the defence of the town.

Villager: About the Camp
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